Deployed contracts​
- Mainnet
- Linea Sepolia
Contract | Address |
L1 Message Service | 0xd19d4B5d358258f05D7B411E21A1460D11B0876F |
L2 Message Service | 0x508Ca82Df566dCD1B0DE8296e70a96332cD644ec |
Contract | Address |
L1 Message Service | 0xB218f8A4Bc926cF1cA7b3423c154a0D627Bdb7E5 |
L2 Message Service | 0x971e727e956690b9957be6d51Ec16E73AcAC83A7 |
Token contract addresses and bridges​
- Mainnet
- Linea Sepolia
To see the most up to date list of tokens on Linea, see the token explorer here, which is derived from the official lists in this repo.
We recommend you rely on the shortlist in the above links, rather than the full list. The shortlist is actively curated by our team, whereas the full list isn't, and automatically populates with all tokens bridged to Linea.
To get your own token included, please follow the instructions on this repository.
To see which third-party bridges are available, consult our Ecosystem Portal's list.
If you're looking to bridge tokens to or from Linea, head to the Linea bridge page to access the various options.
Sepolia token contract addresses will be added to the official token lists repository as soon as possible.
Important contracts​
For both mainnet and testnet:
Contracts |
IBridge.sol |
IL1Bridge.sol |
IMessageService.sol |
MessageServiceBase.sol |
ITokenBridge.sol |